I had been watching THE VOICE a few weeks back and Vicci Martinez (one of my favorite contestants) had mentioned how her dad had pursued music but gave it up to raise his kids. He has passed on and she was saying how she is pursing music in memory of him. I thought that was so SWEET because I feel the same way. Two years ago today my dad passed away — and I am writing this not to mourn him but to remember him. I too feel that I am pursuing art and having him live on through me. He did not pursue art as a career but always had it as a hobby. From drawings, paintings, photography even decorating cake he was GENIUS. I remember being little and he always had his camera in his car and we’d be driving somewhere and he’d randomly pull over to photograph something. It was very inspiring because now that I am older, I find myself doing the same thing. I rarely go anywhere without a camera. This is a painting he had done back in 2007…

There is a short story I wrote in college about 4 months before my dad passed away – it is a TRUE story but I thought it would be nice to share here. It occurred the summer before I went into 9th grade – about 12 years ago.
I hope you enjoy my short story…
[story removed 8/25/2011]