I came across this flickr photo group – I love it! Shows how versatile trees really are… I think trees are beautiful. I love taking photos of them and I have quite a few in my portfolio. These are not my photos but the flickr group credits them to the artist!
Photos taken by me May 2011 – Just random shots while walking through the park.
Find bigger versions on my flickr – http://www.flickr.com/photos/girloncanvas

The Lovely Bones movie premiered in January 2010, if you haven’t seen it, its now out on DVD. Add it to your netflix queue! I suggest it, and yes it is a sad kind of movie, but the surreal images through the movie are awesome! I don’t think its been given enough credit. Definitely very creative and pleasing to look at. The website also has some AWESOME wallpapers, the one with the tree being my favorite. Even if you haven’t seen the movie, you can still rock the wallpapers! Find them at lovelybones.com.

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