I had been wanting to make a new layout for a while, but I had a bad case of “creative block”… well not so much creative block more like “happy-with-what-I-made” block…. if there is such thing? I find it funny that I have no problem creating things for others but when it comes to making something for myself, and I am soo picky, and I get tired of staring at it so I start from scratch 400 times. I guess it is just good creative exercise in the end.
First I started out with this…

I wanted to show art and design in one but I felt it looked too… little kid-ish? So then I came up with this…

And I didn’t like that after a while either… so I headed over to my favorite artist’s site for some inspiration: www.misprintedtype.com aka Eduaro Recife (who I am secretly in love with)…
I used his free font named “Shortcut”:

Along with a few of his brushes as well and a vector from YSR1 I came up with this…

(also what you see above but this is without the pattern background)
Within the next week I will be adding content in the “goodies” section… so keep a look out for that!