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Posted on September 12, 2011

Target’s New Site Design

Design/ www

I really wish I had a screen shot of how it used to look… but from what I remember looking at items at was chaotic. Everything seemed to be a little congested on the site, now it seems wide open and clean. I love LOVE that they do not have “target” anywhere near the logo. That to me is a good change, who says we have to use words to know what it represents? I think its definitely a great idea and only so many logos can pull that off – at least in my opinion. Less Is More. This is one of those times. Although some may not agree – because the backend of it still needs work. As far as design is concerned – I love it! I think the 3D shopping cart is great too – made me smile. 🙂

Posted on August 11, 2011

Ken’s Movie Reviews

Videos/ www

Creativity I believe has been handed down to my brother and I through our genes! Well really, that is just my belief. After many years of trying to convince him to write – I helped my brother create his own movie review blog. He is very passionate about movies, and can explain things to you about the acting, the cast, the director etc… things I never thought about with movies! I just saw the movie Black Swan and I needed an explanation – my brother was the first person I called. He is very talented and notices details only a certain mind or eye could catch. He writes very well too and I think combining both of what he does well into his own outlet is a great idea. I can 100% see him being one of those insane genius directors for movies one day. Of course with any kind of art you need to put yourself out there and make yourself be known! This blog is his start – and I wanted to share it here. Follow his blog and get a special treat from yours truly 🙂 Just let me know if you do…

Ken’s Movie Reviews

Posted on December 13, 2010

Love and a Postcard

Design/ www

Speaking of in my last entry, turns out my portfolio is in today’s entry on their site! I got their email when I woke up this morning, they let me know they added my page. What a great way to wake up on a Monday! I know I’ve been really really really slow with entries lately, but I’ve been busy with projects! And those projects pay me so they get a little bit more attention 😉

About a month ago I made my own postcard to pimp out this blog (just my cool way of saying advertise). They came out pretty nice, I had them printed at They do print nice postcards with pretty UV coating and all BUT let me tell you, if you make a mistake and don’t align it right, they WON’T care, so make sure your preview of your project looks EXACTLY how you want it to! I’m going to give some of these away to whoever wants one I also had magnets made too. The magnet looks like the black side of the postcard with the words. I’m only going to give away 3 of the magnets, so if you want it email me fast! Send me your name/address and let me know if you want a postcard or both. [email protected].

Posted on December 4, 2010

Another Portfolio Layout

Design/ www

With lots of inspiration from I created my own one page portfolio. I used this Lightbox2 script. I tried a ton of different scripts and did not like any of them, I just keep going back to it. The only con that bothered me is that if used with another script, they interfere with each other and I’m not enough of a code dork to figure out why. But having more than one script wasn’t really necessary since I was trying to keep it simple anyhow. With some love of the color purple and a fun typeface I bring you this…

Posted on November 16, 2010

Methane Studios & DMB

Design/ www

This year I attended quite a few Dave Matthews Band shows (I’m a long time fan). I was so tempted to purchase some of the posters they had at each show. The designs were so awesome, and unique for each individual concert. I thought to myself “Now that’s an awesome job, designing posters for DMB!”. I came to find that they are designed by Methane Studios. They have a very unique style and I can’t stop staring. I just want to absorb every last bit of every design. This is a site all artists should check out and even if you aren’t artsy you will enjoy viewing their portfolio. Here are some DMB examples (these are just SOME of my favorites). To view more of these check out their DMB portfolio.

Posted on October 24, 2010

vote for my poem


[edit] I received an email from Angie and she told me I was the only one who entered the contest 🙁 So now the contest cannot go on. *Sigh* Hopefully next time! [/edit]

Voting for the poetry contest on starts today! I have entered a poem, so if you would be so kind to check it out and vote for me that would be great. But only if you feel my poem deserves it 🙂 I’ve decided not to share my poem here, only because it’s a pretty personal poem of mine so if you do want to read it you will have to check it out @ that site =]

Poetry Contest

Posted on July 11, 2010

design portfolio

Design/ www

Since I’ve graduated I’ve been working on my online design portfolio. Suggestions please, I was unsure about the background for a while. I think I’m still unsure LOL. I’m trying to keep it clean yet still look artsy at the same time. I didn’t use a gallery script either – there are too many of them and they are too complicated. I just used a lightbox for each piece. It was a little bit of a pain having to make my own thumbnails but I survived. Please let me know your thoughts.


Posted on August 8, 2009

Change & Miami

Rambling/ www

Well It’s been a while.  A lot longer than I wanted it to be.  A lot of change went on in my life over the past month. My dad passed away suddenly.  I put up a splash page in memory of him.  After all, I did get my *artsy* side from him. He loved to paint and draw just as much.  I miss him so much, it’s still so hard to believe but I know he’s there watching me and he will see me through all that I do. I miss you daddy, I hope you’re happy and at rest now!

I also went to Miami the end of July and got to visit the Bass Museum of Art. It was a fairly small museum (compared to NYC museums). I did enjoy it very much.  They had a small exhibit going on there, and it was comparing renaissance art to art and objects of the present.  For example, they had a refridgerator, and that represented the block that The David was made out of. Both being marble, but served different purposes.  They also had a modern David, made to look more like a store front manequin.  I thought it was hilarious!  It’s so true. Everything we have today is molded and and mass-produced.  There are no unique one of a kind things like original David.

They also had the exhibit Tiny Stories going on.  They were randomly put throughout the museum, and just 150 word stories from all different kinds of people.  Some were very funny.  In a way it kind of reminded me of Post Secret.

Overall the museum was very nice, I went on a Sunday and it was real quiet, not too crowded at all.  If you’re ever in Miami and you enjoy museums I definitely recommend it.

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